1. evidence::AOV1
    Made-up data for a balanced one-way anova.
  2. evidence::AOV2
    Made-up data for an unbalanced one-way anova.
  3. evidence::Aspirin
    A contingency table for heart attacks and aspirin use.
  4. evidence::BirdsCS
    Simulated clutch size data for birds with different nesting locations.
  5. evidence::Clin
    Made-up data to illustrate Simpson's paradox.
  6. evidence::Fat
    Human body fat and several covariates for calculating it.
  7. evidence::Glasses
    A contingency table of 16 British youths categorized as juvenile delinquents or not, and as wearing glasses or not.
  8. evidence::HSCrab
    Morphology of horseshoe crabs.
  9. evidence::SRb94
    Data of the growth of tissue cultures on five different media.
  10. evidence::Smoking
    Mortality due to heart infarct in smokers and non-smokers.
  11. evidence::Snoring
    Data on the incidence of hypertension and three indicator variables.
  12. evidence::bodytemp
    Data on body temperature, heart rate, and gender of 130 human subjects.
  13. evidence::budworm
    Mortality data of moth larvae due to increasing doses of insecticide.
  14. evidence::crickets
    Made-up data that are not unlike the actual data collected by Nespolo et al.(2003).
  15. evidence::darwin
    Charles Darwin's (1876) data on the fecundity of selfed and crossed corn plants.
  16. evidence::fev
    Data on lung capacity of 654 children and adolescents.
  17. evidence::lightspeed
    Simon Newcomb's measurements of the speed of light
  18. evidence::rats
    Carcinogenesis data on rats exposed to a carcinogen.
  19. evidence::weightgain
    weight gain in rats